rhythms of the gate


We gather for worship every other Saturday at 6:00PM.              


Aldersgate Free Methodist Church

21st and Post Rd., Indianapolis, IN  46229

Our worship is casual, multi-sensory, participative, and interactive.  We worship as a family (adults, teens, and children).  During our teaching time, we dismiss the younger children for an age-appropriate activity.

When we gather for worship, we tell God's story, share our stories and celebrate how God is changing us and changing the lives of others around us. 

Our worship gatherings are designed to prepare and equip us to live lives of gospel intentionality.  Our Saturday Gatherings include a shared meal.  If you visit with us please don't feel obligated to bring something, you are our welcomed guests.  


One of the most vital aspects of living and learning the way of Jesus, is intentionally opening up to and deeply engaging with others who are on the faith journey with us.

We believe that the attractiveness of the New Testament Church was in their living, not their programs, worship services or gatherings.  

We view our weekly C-Groups (Community Groups) as the foundation of our life together as God's missionary people. 

C-Groups also serve as a natural entry point for those who are moving toward our faith community. 

C-Groups meet in homes around the city.  They are structured to reflect our missional/incarnational focus: 

  • Twice a month we gather, usually around a meal, to practice the "one another's" of scripture. 
  • Twice a month we serve together and celebrate life together. 

C-Groups currently meeting:

  1. Every other Sunday from 9:00-10:30am (on weeks opposite The Gate Worship Gathering) @ Kevin & Andrea Weinman's - aweinman@comcast.com                        
  2. Every other Sunday from 5:30 - 7:30pm @ different homes around city - toddm927@aol.com                                                                                                                                           
We are God's missionary people sent into the world to make the good news of God's kingdom really good news. 
Our first move is to engage the world that God loves so much, not wait for the world to come to us. 
We encourage everyone at The Gate to find a place to serve.  Mission and service are in our DNA. 
We value active participants, not passive spectators. 
We partner with many local and international agencies such as: 
  • LYN House  
  • Shepherd Community
  • Ronald McDonald House
  • Brooke's Place
  • International Childcare Ministries
  • Set Free Movement
  • BloodWater Mission
  • Exodus Refugee Immigration
  • Second Helpings
  • Sleep In Heavenly Peace
  • Hope Center
Brennan Manning in his book, The Signature of Jesus says, "The greatest need for our time is for the church to become what it has seldom been:  The body of Christ with its face to the world, loving others regardless of religion or culture, pouring itself out in a life of service, offering hope to a frightened world, and presenting itself as a real alternative to the existing arrangement."
We believe that missional Christianity is outward focused and kingdom oriented.  It's seeing kingdom opportunities in our daily routines and lifestyle patterns.  It's living missionally, not just doing mission activity.
At The Gate, we try to provide initiatives and ideas for individual, group and all church involvement in community service and mission.