our dream

The best way to think of the gate is as a congregational network of missional/incarnational communities scattered throughout Indianapolis, not just another attractional church. 

We are not interested in just going to church; we want to be a "going" church. 

Jesus said in John 20:21, "As the Father has sent me, I am sending you." 

Our being "sent" is the basis of all we do as Christ followers:

it's foundational to the message of Jesus
it touches on the very nature of Christianity
it shapes our discipleship
it defines our ministry
it describes our mission
it points to the very purpose of the church                                                                                                                                                
Our vision is to see pockets of missional/incarnational community scattered all over the city of Indianapolis, where our people are living out the good news in tangible ways. 
Being God's missionary people means we put the wheels back on our Christianity and we are known more for the presence of God in our people throughout the community than our programs, activities, and gatherings. 
So, the issue for us is not church size, church model, buildings and budgets, but whether or not the life of Christ is getting OUT of the church and INTO our culture.